Should I Make My Airbnb Pet Friendly?



The question of the day: do I make my Airbnb pet-friendly? 

In this day and age, most pets are like another child. Pet-parents only want the best for their dog, cat, or other, and many rental owners are scratching their heads, wondering if it is best to make a pet-friendly rental space or not.

Why such a debate? There are endless pros and cons when it comes to allowing pets into your space. It brings lots of hair and messes to clean, but it may also drastically boost your rating and return rate so guests won’t stop knocking on your door to rent.

To make it a bit simpler, we share both the positives and negatives of having a pet-friendly Airbnb. Remember: you know yourself and your space best. Use this information that would best fit you and your needs and wants as a property manager :)

Let’s start with the cons.


  1. Pets damage things!

    Throwing up, chewing carpets or through wires — when it comes to being an Airbnb guest, pets are like kids — they will destroy things time and again. Good to keep that in mind.

  2. Complaints from neighbors may come flooding through.

    You may love dogs. Your neighbors may not. Consider the risk that those living around your Airbnb may not appreciate a bark or pet waste on the sidewalk.

  3. Extra cleaning may also be needed, and you may need to charge additional cleaning fees.

    You will get pet hair on the furniture, dog waste in the yard, nose prints on the glass — it’s going to happen. It’s not necessarily a deal-breaker, but these are things to keep in mind when considering whether or not you want pets in your Airbnb, so your expectations are accurate.

And now, we end with the positives :)


  1. Most pet owners act responsibly.

    a. There may be a rotten egg at times, but pet owners understand the extra work that goes into owning a pet. With damages and messes prone to happen, owners know to take ownership and clean up after their pets - one less thing you will have to do!

  2. Being pet-friendly may make your listing stand out.

    b. Travelers with animals will appreciate your listing more and are more willing to leave a positive review of your pet-friendliness. What does this mean? Reaching a wider audience = higher bookings.

  3. Increase your clientele.

    c. Remember: pets are family to all pet owners. Having a pet-friendly place increases your chances of having returning guests as they know you are a dedicated space. This can also lead to an increase in your earnings - especially with your extra fees and increased cleaning fees.

Do you know which side of the seesaw you are leaning now? Regardless of your choice in making your Airbnb pet-friendly, you will be as successful as you want to be! Weigh each pro and con we have above and decide what would be the best move for you in your real-estate journey as an Airbnb owner!

Have more questions or concerns in making your space pet-friendly? Reach out to us - we’d love to give you deeper insight into this question.

P.S. Don’t forget to follow our Instagram account for more! @thehostcompany


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